Archive for the Religion Category

The Real Founding Fathers

Posted in Atheism, Bible, Christianity, Faith, Free-thought, God, Jesus, Justice, Morality, Quotes, Religion, Uncategorized on May 24, 2010 by FЯEEDO

I am so sick and tired of hearing these religious nut-cases proclaim America’s founding fathers as their heroes who set up this country on Judeo-Christian values. The immense perversion of such blasphemy to history wreaks of pure vulgarity.

Allow me to introduce you to the real founding fathers:

“Christianity is the most perverted system that ever shone on man.”
~ Thomas Jefferson

“The way to see by faith is to close the eye of reason”
~ Benjamin Franklin

“It is from the Bible that man has learned cruelty, rapine and murder; for the belief of a cruel God makes a cruel man.”
~ Thomas Paine

“The Christian system of religion is an outrage on common sense.”
~ Thomas Paine

“I cannot conceive otherwise than that He, the Infinite Father, expects or requires no worship or praise from us, but that He is even infinitely above it.”
~ Benjamin Franklin

“As I understand the Christian religion, it was, and is, a revelation. But how has it happened that millions of fables, tales, legends, have been blended with both Jewish and Christian revelation that have made them the most bloody religion that ever existed?”
~ John Adams

“In every country and every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot”
~ Thomas Jefferson

“Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear.”
~ Thomas Jefferson

“What influence, in fact, have ecclesiastical establishments had on society? In some instances they have been seen to erect a spiritual tyranny on the ruins of the civil authority; on many instances they have been seen upholding the thrones of political tyranny; in no instance have they been the guardians of the liberties of the people. Rulers who wish to subvert the public liberty may have found an established clergy convenient auxiliaries. A just government, instituted to secure and perpetuate it, needs them not.”
~ James Madison

“The story of the redemption will not stand examination. That man should redeem himself from the sin of eating an apple by committing a murder on Jesus Christ, is the strangest system of religion ever set up.”
~ Thomas Paine

“Thirteen governments [of the original states] thus founded on the natural authority of the people alone, without a pretence of miracle or mystery, and which are destined to spread over the northern part of that whole quarter of the globe, are a great point gained in favor of the rights of mankind.”
~ John Adams

“This would be the best of possible worlds, if there were no religion in it”
~John Adams

“Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined, imprisoned; yet we have not advanced an inch towards uniformity. What has been the effects of coercion? To make one half of the world fools, and the other half hypocrites. To support roguery and error all over the Earth.
~ Thomas Jefferson

“It is too late in the day for men of sincerity to pretend they believe in the Platonic mysticisms that three are one, and one is three; and yet that the one is not three, and the three are not one.  But this constitutes the craft, the power and the profit of the priests.”
~ Thomas Jefferson

“The most detestable wickedness, the most horrid cruelties, and the greatest miseries that have afflicted the human race have had their origin in this thing called revelation, or revealed religion.”
~ Thomas Paine

“Yet this is trash that the Church imposes upon the world as the Word of God; this is the collection of lies and contradictions called the Holy Bible! This is the rubbish called Revealed Religion!”
~Thomas Paine

“History, I believe, furnishes no example of a priest-ridden people maintaining a free civil government.  This marks the lowest grade of ignorance, of which their political as well as religious leaders will always avail themselves for their own purpose.”
~ Thomas Jefferson

“On the dogmas of religion, as distinguished from moral principles, all mankind, from the beginning of the world to this day, have been quarreling, fighting, burning and torturing one another, for abstractions unintelligible to themselves and to all others, and absolutely beyond the comprehension of the human mind.”
~ Thomas Jefferson

“Lighthouses are more helpful than churches.
~ Benjamin Franklin

“All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions, set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit.”
~ Thomas Paine

“In the affairs of the world, men are saved, not by faith, but by the lack of it.”
~ Benjamin Franklin

“I have recently been examining all the known superstitions of the world, and do not find in our particular superstition (Christianity) one redeeming feature.  They are all alike founded on fables and mythology.”
~ Benjamin Franklin


I’d also like to add that though George Washington didn’t have any bold anti-religious quotes besides the separation of church and state, he himself was only a Christian in name. He refused to ever take communion, to pray on his death bed and also never mentioned the name Jesus Christ even once out of all his many letters.


And lastly I leave you with a quote from the new testament:

Romans 13:1:  “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities; for there is no authority except from God, and those authorities that exist have been instituted by God.  Therefore whoever resist authority resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment.”

Draw Mohammed Day!

Posted in AWESOME, Defiance, Facebook, Free-speech, FUN, HUMOR, Internet, Islam, Mohammed, Muslim, Religion, Uncategorized on May 24, 2010 by FЯEEDO

I forgot three days ago to post the picture I had made. Well here it is!

Victory is ours!

A Few Words from Christopher Hitchens

Posted in Atheism, God, Religion, Uncategorized on May 22, 2010 by FЯEEDO

A few songs that suit me well.

Posted in Anarchy, Atheism, AWESOME, Bible, Capitalism, Christianity, Defiance, Environmentalism, Free-speech, God, HUMOR, Jesus, Justice, Leftism, Libertarianism, Music, Politics, Protesting, Religion, Socialism, Uncategorized on May 9, 2010 by FЯEEDO

Lol, enjoy.

This first one is my personal theme song.

Christianity in Summary

Posted in Atheism, Bible, Christianity, Faith, God, HUMOR, Jesus, LOGIC, Religion on April 28, 2010 by FЯEEDO



A Heaven for Atheists???

Posted in Atheism, AWESOME, Free-thought, futurism, Philosophy, Religion, strange on April 21, 2010 by FЯEEDO

For a long time us nonreligious folk have been criticizing the ideas of heaven among the many religions and ascertaining that once we die our consciousnesses disappear and never return.

And certainly there is nothing to fear of this kind of end. No more suffering, you won’t even care at all. Yet it still gives you incentive to live.

But what if I told you there could actually be heaven waiting for us, without a need for a God, without religion, or spirituality? Do I have your attention?

Besides being a philosopher, political theorist and a party-animal, I also spend a great deal of time thinking about the future, more specifically the far future; I am a futurist.

Keep in mind this is all theoretical. It’s an idea of mine, not a belief. In-fact I don’t actually have any beliefs, only ideas.

There may come a day(and we are speaking farther in the future than you can imagine) in which we develop the technology to sustain our universe from being destroyed by whatever natural processes would threaten it. This would essentially give us unlimited time. If this is achieved I think it would be theoretically possible to develop technology capable of taking a “snapshot” of the universe. With this snap shot we would be able to see every single smallest piece that makes up the universe. If this is achieved we would then be able to use the data collected to hypothetically turn back the clocks and see every single happening in the history of the universe. This means seeing every creature to ever come into existence. At this point whatever grand life form it is that has this technology would then be able to decide whether to bring any of us back to life by reconstructing us from the data provided by the snapshot. With infinite time on their hands it would be expected that they would finally do this. We would all see each other again and live in the amazing new world we would encounter.

Far fetched?




Another Reason Why God Cannot Exist.

Posted in Atheism, Free-thought, LOGIC, Philosophy, Religion on April 20, 2010 by FЯEEDO

Even though I have already proven that a God cannot exist, let us assume for a second that none of that happened and the question is still up in the air which, no doubt, many reading this will probably already believe.

Let’s assume there’s a God.

Point 1: Things are here.

Point 2: God did/does things.

Point 3: This means God is acting towards a conclusion; a goal.

Point 4: Which means things weren’t perfect to begin with.

Point 5: But what was there to begin with? Just God.

Conclusion 1: A perfect God cannot exist. God acting to a conclusion cannot be perfection as a conclusion would be God’s means to fulfill perfection.

Point 6: If a perfect God existed, he would have simply been and that would be that.

Conclusion 2: If your definition of God is that he is perfect than God does not exist. Since things are; things have happened, there is no God.

DENMARK: Greatest Country on Earth

Posted in Atheism, AWESOME, Capitalism, happy, Leftism, Libertarianism, LOGIC, Math, Politics, Religion, Socialism on April 8, 2010 by FЯEEDO
Not only does it rank as #1 most happy, but here are some other things it ranked extremely high on.
Ranks #1 in worlds least corrupt country in 2008, #2 in 2009 after New Zealand.
Ties for #2 as most peaceful country in the world with Norway and after New Zealand in 2009.
Ranks #16 on the Human Development Index between Spain and Belgium in 2009. Norway is #1.
Ranks #5 on Global Competitive Index between Sweden and Finland in 2010. Switzerland is #1.
Ranks #1 in having the highest income equality in 2008.(meaning less of a gap between rich and poor)
Ranks #16 in highest GDP per capita between Iceland and Sweden in 2009. #1 is Qatar.
Ranks #5 in nominal GDP per capita Switzerland and Ireland in 2009. #1 is Luxembourg.
Ranks #9 in highest export per capita between Switzerland and Kuwait in 2006. #1 is Singapore.
Denmark is described as having the most flexible labor market in Europe.
Denmark has the fourth highest ratio of tertiary degree holders in the world.
According to rankings by OECD, Denmark has the most free financial markets in EU-15 and also one of the most free product markets.
Denmark is known for the Denmark Cooperative Movement.
Denmark has the world’s highest minimum wage.
As of June 2009 the unemployment rate is at 6.3%, which is below the EU average of 8.9%.
Denmark has the highest income tax in the world.
AND FINALLY; Denmark also ranks as the #4 most Atheist country in the world. GO FIGURE.
File:Flag of Denmark.svg
Oh, so you thought that was all? Think again.
Now lets take a look at the capital of Denmark: Copenhagen

It was ranked #1 as Most Livable City in the World by international lifestyle magazine Monocle on their Top 25 Most Livable Cities 2008 list.

World’s Best Design City 2008 also by Monocle.

In 2008, Copenhagen was ranked #4 by Financial Times-owned FDi magazine on their list of Top50 European Cities of the Future after London, Paris and Berlin.

In 2006/07 FDi Magazine named Copenhagen Scandinavian City of the Future and in 2004/05 Copenhagen was named Northern European City of the Future ahead of other cities from Scandinavia, UK, Ireland and Benelux.

In the 2008 Worldwide Centers of Commerce Index, published by MasterCard, Copenhagen was ranked 14th in the world and 1st in Scandinavia.

In the The 2008 Global Cities Index, Copenhagen was ranked 36th in the world, 15th in Europe, and 2nd in Scandinavia.

Copenhagen ranks 3rd in Western Europe and 1st in the Nordic countries for attracting head offices.

Copenhagen #1 out of 254 locations in the Location Ranking Survey performed by ECA International that has asked European experts where they prefer to be stationed worldwide.

It was ranked #6 in Grist Magazine’s “15 Green Cities” list in 2007 making Copenhagen the greenest capital of Scandinavia according to Grist Magazine.

It is the capital in the world where organic food has the largest market share. One in every ten purchases is organic in Copenhagen.

The Copenhagen Metro has been named the Best Metro in the World by industry experts.

It is ranked #7 as Preferred City For Investment Projects.

It ranked 3rd in Western Europe in terms of attracting regional headquarters and distribution centres, only surpassed by London and Paris.

It ranks #1 in the Global Earning Ranking.

The city ranks as the 5th most popular city in the world for international meetings and conferences.

It ranks as one of the most attractive cities to live and work in Europe.

It is ranked 11th in Mercer’s Quality of Living global city rankings 2009.

Lonely Planet ranks Copenhagen as Scandinavia’s ‘ coolest ‘ capital .

Travellers have voted Copenhagen the cleanest city in Europe.

An Examination of Human Nature and the Discontents of Authority

Posted in Anarchy, Atheism, Buddhism, Capitalism, Christianity, Cold-reading, Conversion, Creationism, Defiance, Derren_Brown, Evolution, Experiment, Faith, Free-speech, Free-thought, God, happy, Hindu, Islam, Justice, Leftism, Libertarianism, LOGIC, Magic, Mind-control, Morality, Mormon, Muslim, Objectivism, Philosophy, Politics, Protesting, Psychic, Psychology, Purpose, Religion, Science, Sex, Skepticism, Socialism, strange, Super-natural on March 17, 2010 by FЯEEDO

Let it be known that I do not necessarily agree with the views expressed in the videos below. I have provided so many for the purpose of providing different points of view and a broad context on the matter.

Now for the next series:

Now another series:

And to finish it off:

After viewing all these videos I have become very torn.

I think human nature is basically selfish. But also that selfishness is not a bad thing. That, in-fact, the right kind of selfishness is very good and is a healthy construct for morality.

I do not like Socialism because it refutes selfishness and attempts to oppress me with it’s own vision of morality; the same kind boasted by classical religion which is a pollutant of intellectual progress.

But I do not like Capitalism either because it has a foundation upon mind-control. It is merely another version of the state except that the state is authoritative through non-voluntary means whereas Capitalism is authoritative through means of indoctrination and retardation of the masses. Statism and Capitalism have the same ends except the state forces you there while Capitalism tricks you there.

A voice deep within me cries “There must be another alternative!”, but I don’t know what it is.

So for now I will say this:

Direct politics is of trivial importance. No matter what government or lack thereof you have it will still be all for nothing if you have an intellectually bankrupt people. The key to changing society for the better is not through government but through culture; through philosophy and through science.

The Reality Paradox

Posted in Atheism, Faith, Free-thought, God, LOGIC, Philosophy, Religion, Science on March 15, 2010 by FЯEEDO

The Reality Paradox, though I came up with it, has been thought of by many before me. It is I, though, that thinks he has finally found a viable solution to the biggest question in the Universe. “Where did we come from?”

The supposed paradox, which concerns the beginning of space/time and matter, goes a little like this:

1. All things are caused.

2.It’s impossible for something to have always existed.

3. Circular reasoning is impossible, nothing can cause itself.

If you sum-up the implications of just these 3 principles alone it seems to say that the existence of the Universe is impossible.

Out of all my short time as an amateur philosopher this one thing boggled my mind night and day to wits-end until I finally came up with a conclusion that miraculously seems to work around the 3 principles without contradicting them. And I’m quite sure that no one, at least publicly, has thought of it before.

But before I get to it, let me first offer a counter argument:

The Reality Paradox has seemed for many people to be the highest evidence available for the existence of a God through what is called “The Cosmological Argument”. The Cosmological Argument is pretty much the same as my Reality Paradox except it also states that this is proof for the existence of a “First Cause” or an “Uncaused Caused”. The problem with this is that it must brake one of the principles. Supporters of the Cosmological Argument sometimes say that God makes the rules thus that God could be exempt from anyone of them. Besides this being an entirely intellectually lazy way of explain things—GODIDIT!—it also makes no sense and here is why:

To my reasoning it seems quite apparent—never-minding silly definitions and word-games—that “Reality” and the “Universe” are actually two separate things with one contained within the other. The Universe is defined, according to me, as being made of space/time and matter while Reality is made of the logical laws that govern these things. There may actually be other universes which are in existence and may or may not seem considerably different but must also be bound by the laws of Reality. One such law of Reality is that Paradoxes don’t work; either something which is based off of logic that is called a paradox isn’t actually a paradox or one of the supposedly logical premises is flawed. Another universe(or anything else for that matter, including a God) cannot, by definition, exist outside of Reality because Reality is existence. To be outside Reality is to be non-existent. To be inside Reality is to be bound by it’s laws. The statement that a God can exist which is not bound by the laws of Reality in itself is contradictory.

What’s so important about making that distinction?

When you think about it deeply enough you can then see that the “Reality Paradox” now immediately becomes the “Universe Paradox”. Why? Because we can now see that the laws of Reality do not exist because they always have(since time is only a principle of a universe and does not apply to the broadness of Reality), nor because they were caused by circular reasoning, nor because they are caused by anything else. Rather! THEY EXIST BECAUSE THEY MUST EXIST. It is actually paradoxical for them not to. Everything must be bound by logic. Logic being the absolute decider of the laws of Reality. (Logic in an absolute objective sense not a personal subjective sense)

Where am I going with this? I have not yet explained the answer to the Universe Paradox(So now named).

I’m sorry to say this is where it starts to get fuzzy. We are entering into a very abstract grey area now. For this is the point I have been getting to:

If Reality exists because it must exist than perhaps the Universe does as well. Perhaps the Universe is…somehow…an implication of Reality.

I know this is not a completely satisfactory answer because I have offered no logic for how it would be such an implication. BUT! It proves as not only a POSSIBLE answer but also the ONLY answer so far which does not brake any of the 3 principles stated in the Reality Paradox.

So…half-satisfactorily, what it boils down to is: We are here because we must logically be here even though we don’t completely now what that logic is.

It may not have a complete answer for why it would be correct just yet but it’s the only answer that does not have any see-able reasons for why it would be incorrect. All the other answers do and this stands as it’s only real reason for why it may be correct.

I’ve constructed a theory for the origin of the Universe, I do not have faith in it as I do not have faith in anything else. I see it as a strong possibility based on the critical deduction of reason. You be the judge for yourself on whether it seems viable. I would be highly interested in any comments you may have, leave one if you’d like.